The Institutional of Economic Development in East Asia

Tokyo, Japan, December 16 – 19, 1996

Programme Committee:Masahiko Aoki, Su (Co-Chairman)
Yujiro Hayami, Japan (Co-Chairman)
Partha Dasgupta, UK (Member)
Anne Krueger, USA (Member)
Justin Y. Lin, China (Member)

This round table conference was set as an arena to discuss on institutional mechanism underlying “miraculous economic development” in East Asian economies. It aimed for search for an East Asian model of economic development which might be applicable to
(a) economic development of the Third World,

(b) transformation of centrally planned economies and
(c) revitalisation of advanced market economies.

The proceedings of this conference have been published in English by Palgrave under the title: “The Institutional Foundations of East Asian Economic Development”.

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